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Master of manifesting health, wealth, and romantic relationships. Nothing is impossible for her. She approaches her clients' matters with dedication and passion, being their invaluable ally in fulfilling their dreams and intentions.
As a specialist in the Law of Assumption and energy work, Ewa constantly pushes the boundaries of the impossible. Her deep understanding of human nature and innovatively applied methods ensure that her clients achieve their goals and desires quickly and effortlessly.
As an enthusiastic motorcyclist, Ewa expresses her zest for life just as intensely as her professional commitment to her clients' needs.
Ewa's unique ability is to achieve the impossible in a short time. She is unyielding and effective in removing beliefs and barriers that have plagued her clients for decades, preventing them from living the life they dreamed of. Her direct and open manner is a light and a guide in reality - so often surrounded by ambiguities and false promises.
Ewa combines a unique mix of empathy, honesty, and unparalleled expert knowledge. Her methods of operation and work are pure, transformative energy, enabling her clients not only to solve current problems but also to unleash their full potential, achieving their dreams in a light, easy, and enjoyable way.
Her inner strength, skills, and ability to read the quantum field have already helped many people on various levels including health, emotional, and financial. Through conducted Quantum Sessions, she has helped people recover from serious illnesses, attract unexpected money or a loved one, repair relationships with close ones, and achieve success on many other diverse levels, often after just one session.
Preliminary Phone Consultation: Up to 15 minutes, exclusively concerning Quantum Codes for Belief Change and Subliminal Affirmation Recordings. The session takes place via phone, WhatsApp, or Messenger.
The purpose of this consultation is solely to identify beliefs that need to be changed and include them in the Quantum Codes for Belief Change and Subliminal Affirmation Recordings, which are products supporting belief change.
Phone Quantum Session: Duration up to 30 minutes, conducted via phone, WhatsApp, or Messenger.
In-Person Quantum Session: Duration up to 30 minutes, at a location agreed upon by the session leader.
Learn what a quantum session is and how it works HERE.
In-Person Quantum Session with Two-Point Technique: Duration up to 30 minutes, at a location agreed upon by the session leader.
The Two-Point Technique is an advanced energy transformation method based on the principles of quantum physics. This method allows for quick and effective changes at the energetic level, influencing all aspects of our lives—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The Two-Point Technique is a tool that enables the harmonization of the energy field, supporting the natural healing and manifestation process.
Learn more about the Two-Point Technique HERE.
Wszystkie informacje przekazywane w trakcie Sesji, zarówno osobiste, jak i ogólne są przeznaczone wyłącznie do celów rozwoju osobistego. Przekazane Informacje nie powinny być traktowane jako porady medyczne, ale jako informacje duchowe. Jeśli masz problem zdrowotny, powinieneś skontaktować się z lekarzem lub innym odpowiednim specjalistą. Informacje przekazane Ci w trakcie sesji nie powinny być wykorzystywane zamiast profesjonalnego leczenia medycznego i/lub psychologicznego. Wyłącznie Ty jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje wybory, decyzje i działania w życiu. Jakiekolwiek wykorzystanie informacji przekazanych Ci w trakcie konsultacji odbywa się na Twoje własne ryzyko. Całość przekazanych Ci w trakcie sesji Informacji służy wyłącznie celom rozrywkowym, a osoby poniżej 18 roku życia nie powinny korzystać z sesji, chyba że pod nadzorem osoby dorosłej.
Master of manifesting health, wealth, and romantic relationships. Nothing is impossible for her. She approaches her clients' matters with dedication and passion, being their invaluable ally in fulfilling their dreams and intentions.
As a specialist in the Law of Assumption and energy work, Ewa constantly pushes the boundaries of the impossible. Her deep understanding of human nature and innovatively applied methods ensure that her clients achieve their goals and desires quickly and effortlessly.
As an enthusiastic motorcyclist, Ewa expresses her zest for life just as intensely as her professional commitment to her clients' needs.
Ewa's unique ability is to achieve the impossible in a short time. She is unyielding and effective in removing beliefs and barriers that have plagued her clients for decades, preventing them from living the life they dreamed of. Her direct and open manner is a light and a guide in reality - so often surrounded by ambiguities and false promises.
Ewa combines a unique mix of empathy, honesty, and unparalleled expert knowledge. Her methods of operation and work are pure, transformative energy, enabling her clients not only to solve current problems but also to unleash their full potential, achieving their dreams in a light, easy, and enjoyable way.
Her inner strength, skills, and ability to read the quantum field have already helped many people on various levels including health, emotional, and financial. Through conducted Quantum Sessions, she has helped people recover from serious illnesses, attract unexpected money or a loved one, repair relationships with close ones, and achieve success on many other diverse levels, often after just one session.
Preliminary Phone Consultation: Up to 15 minutes, exclusively concerning Quantum Codes for Belief Change and Subliminal Affirmation Recordings. The session takes place via phone, WhatsApp, or Messenger.
The purpose of this consultation is solely to identify beliefs that need to be changed and include them in the Quantum Codes for Belief Change and Subliminal Affirmation Recordings, which are products supporting belief change.
Phone Quantum Session: Duration up to 30 minutes, conducted via phone, WhatsApp, or Messenger.
In-Person Quantum Session: Duration up to 30 minutes, at a location agreed upon by the session leader.
Learn what a quantum session is and how it works HERE.
In-Person Quantum Session with Two-Point Technique: Duration up to 30 minutes, at a location agreed upon by the session leader.
The Two-Point Technique is an advanced energy transformation method based on the principles of quantum physics. This method allows for quick and effective changes at the energetic level, influencing all aspects of our lives—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The Two-Point Technique is a tool that enables the harmonization of the energy field, supporting the natural healing and manifestation process.
Learn more about the Two-Point Technique HERE.
Wszystkie informacje przekazywane w trakcie Sesji, zarówno osobiste, jak i ogólne są przeznaczone wyłącznie do celów rozwoju osobistego. Przekazane Informacje nie powinny być traktowane jako porady medyczne, ale jako informacje duchowe. Jeśli masz problem zdrowotny, powinieneś skontaktować się z lekarzem lub innym odpowiednim specjalistą. Informacje przekazane Ci w trakcie sesji nie powinny być wykorzystywane zamiast profesjonalnego leczenia medycznego i/lub psychologicznego. Wyłącznie Ty jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje wybory, decyzje i działania w życiu. Jakiekolwiek wykorzystanie informacji przekazanych Ci w trakcie konsultacji odbywa się na Twoje własne ryzyko. Całość przekazanych Ci w trakcie sesji Informacji służy wyłącznie celom rozrywkowym, a osoby poniżej 18 roku życia nie powinny korzystać z sesji, chyba że pod nadzorem osoby dorosłej.